Archives for January 2012

Who’s Moving to the Suburbs? Jay Z and Beyonce, That’s Who!

Lots of cool people have moved to the suburbs, not just (ahem) me.  We had Amy Winehouse a few years ago, back when she was alive.  Then we got reports that more immigrants and African-Americans were moving into the suburbs. Then big-fat-and-now-thin-and-now-sorta-fat-again Jonah Hill.

You see?  It’s not just me, lots of people are fleeing the cities for the joys of picket fences and sports bars and no food delivery.

But now we have our biggest get yet: got a SUPER WORLD EXCLUSIVE . . . Beyonce and Jay Z have CHANGED their primary residence . .. from NYC – to SCARSDALE, a suburb OUTSIDE of NYC.

We spoke to a person with FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE who tell us that Jigga and Bey have been working FOR MONTHS, to finish a COMPLETE RENOVATION on a MEGA MANSION that the couple bought nearly 3 years ago.

According to our insider, the new mansion underwent a $2M RENO. The new house has a STATE OF THE ART security system and a tennis court and a full basketball court. They also made a separate GUEST HOUSE where Bey’s mom will use, when she comes to town.

So what about their $10M 8,000 Sq ft. Tribeca apartment? We’re told they’ll use it when their “in the city.”

Must be nice . . .

How about that, people?  Not so bad — maybe the biggest celebrity couple in the world, and they’re moving to SUMA.

Welcome to the suburbs, guys, love that music stuff that you do.

First a Dog, Now a Baby: My Poop-Filled Life

I used to have a poop-free life.  Not completely poop-free, of course. I had to deal with my own poop.  Not a whole lot of fun there.  But at least it was only mine. One person’s pool.  Ahh, the good old days.

Then I got a dog, and that was the end of the poop-free life. I had to deal with poop pretty much every day. On a good day, it was a good poop: a poop on the grass, during our daily walks, while I was armed with a baggie. Or a poop on the wee-wee pad in my bathroom, which has become Kozy the Dog’s designated “inside poop zone.”  On a bad day, though, a bad poop: a poop, say, on the living room rug.  But good or bad, there was poop.  Every day.

Now I have a baby, and my life is nothing but poop. Bad poop. People warned me, but I never quite appreciated how babies are basically poop machines.  They’re amazing, these little tiny beautiful creatures, constantly pumping out an astounding flow of truly ghastly poop.

How do they do that? What kind of unholy alchemy is this? This transubstantiation of liquid into solid, or at least something that is partly solid.  You put in a little bit of harmless-looking formula, and you get back a noxious miasma of inhuman sludge.

People ask me what’s the biggest change now that I’ve moved to the suburbs.  That.  That’s the biggest change.

  • City = Poop Free
  • Suburbs = Poop Filled

Now, I know that I can’t blame it on the suburbs.  It’s really more correlation than causation.  I know that. But of the many things that I miss about living in the city, right at the top of what is a pretty long list is this: the loss of my poop-free life.